Our Managements

This is also worth mentioning that we have over 25 implemented our projects in education and training fields, vocational training, health care, agricultural and livestock.

Office Management

ROAD has planned and designed a quite professional and standard and technical office management for running, handling, and managing its related work affairs and assigned tasks and for regulating each work item and sector. And our office works timing is started from 8:00 AM and finishes at 4:00 PM every day, except Fridays.

  • Also the main works of office manager are illustrated in below:

  • Holiday Request Form and Application Form

  • Salary Grade and Increase Form

  • Appreciation and Admiral Letters

  • Appraisal Letters and Promotion

  • Personnel and Staff Management

  • Employment Bonuses and Appreciations

Human Resources Management

ROAD HR Management section is handled as per previous and former staffing plans and on basis of office management, indeed. At this section of our NGO, we have planned and considered quite proper and regular office management into which and where there we have created a well-organized and regular Human Resources Management Department.

Thus, we plan the structure of our management, make our organizational chart first and then we take a step for hiring and employment of our key personnel and staff. Firstly, we prefer and consider our vacancy announcement, job employment services department, job facilities, proper recruitment rules and regulations, and then we divide and provide a regular and legal as well as professional procedures management program.

Of course, HR is a fundamental part and sector of our NGO administration which was and is needed for our recruitment department and program plus employment contract.

At the outset, we have already hired, employed, and assigned one HR Manager to our Organization.

Training Management

We, as a non-political, non-profit and non-governmental organization NGO plan and harness our education and training management on basis of quite proper and regular training management in which time management is also included. However, we first prepare our training management plan and program for our own newly hired and employed personnel and staff, and then we provide it to our customers, clients, and beneficiaries as training outlines and programs, as a whole.

Afterward, we both theoretically and practically provide our beneficiaries with quite a proper and regular staff training plan and program as per a timetable and or schedule. We firstly prefer education and then training on basis of our pre-projected plan and program as per some essential sections mentioned and illustrated below:

A: Provision of Education and Training Courses.

B: Capacity Building Training Courses.

C: Combat to illiteracy Training Courses.

D: Gender Awareness and Gender Equality Training Course.

(Mobilizer and Facilitation are a Must in our Training Program).

In our training management sector, we provide professional and technical

Financial Resources

The finance resources of our NGO is the main sect and management part of our Finance section and we also sometimes prefer to harness and provide our Finance section on basis of the Financial Management Program, indeed. Financial Management and or Cash Management Systems and Programs is a very important and essential part of our NGO and it is performed and executed as per a quite professional and standard transparent system of finance management. At this section of our NGO, we have hired and employed a Financial Manager and one Finance Assistant.

And also, it is mentioned that our financial resources are created through initial investment plan and cash or monetary primary capital and investment on our NGO into our administration at the financial sector.

At this part of our financial management related to the NGO's Financial Resources, we have the plan to create our internal financial affairs and tasks such as salary vouchers, personals and project advanced project vouchers, reimbursement and repayment of the advance voucher, Transfer of voucher, Exchange of Money and Currency, Exchange of vouchers, Bank Money Transfer, Bank Services and finance Package.